Here you can find all of the projects I have worked on listed in chronological order (newest to oldest). Warning: some of these projects are outdated, broken, weird, useless, and/or stupid. But hey, where’s the fun in making something useful?

Project Archive

  • <Repo | Live>
    • An online web app to track the surprise songs played at Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour.
    • Created using React, PrimeReact, and TypeScript.
    • Used by thousands (41k as of 12/11/2023) of swifties from around the world.
  • <Repo | Live>
    • Hey, that’s this! Built with Jekyll and Ruby. Blog posts and pages are rendered markdown files.
    • Added a “most recently played song” to the bottom of my about page. It displays a Spotify iframe generated using Python scripts and the API.
  • BillMates <Repo>
    • Semester-long project for CS307 - Software Engineering I. Worked with a small scrum team to develop a bill splitting application.
    • Utilized AWS Lambda and MongoDB to build backend logic and processes.
  • Every-Frame: Twitter Bot <Repo | Live>
    • A Twitter bot to post every frame of a given .mp4 file. Written in Python with the Tweepy and OpenCV libraries.
    • Live version (linked above) ran from October to November of 2022 and showed every frame of Fantastic Mr. Fox.
  • Advent of Code <Repo>
    • A repository full of my Advent of Code solutions (written in Python). Have been a yearly participant since 2020.
    • Placed top 100 on day 2 in 2023!
    • One of these days I’ll get every star… maybe when I graduate and no longer have homework.
  • Fishers Enigma <Repo>
    • A yearly puzzle game (ARG) created for my friends during high school. Unfortunately the live version no longer exists.
    • Written in pure JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and HTML/CSS. The website hosted a scoreboard and a place for teams to submit their answer to each “stage”.
    • Puzzles included cryptography, stenography, riddles, scavenger hunts, and even deciphering radio broadcasts.
  • SchedLink <Link>
    • A web-based scheduling application for Fishers High School students. Made with a team of developers from scratch. It was my first experience with “real” software development!
    • Utilized PHP, JavaScript, and SQL to manage backend processes for students.
    • Helped design architecture, styling, and internal applications.
  • Organic Portfolio <Repo | Live>
    • An old project I did for my organic chemistry class. It contains some information regarding basic organic compounds.
    • Written in purely (terrible) HTML/CSS. We all have to start somewhere.