Hi! I’m Ben Lilley, an undergraduate computer science student at Purdue University. My about section is mostly just a more stylized resume, or perhaps a less stylized LinkedIn profile. Feel free to email me or reach out to me on LinkedIn.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant @ Purdue University 01/2023 - Present

  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for CS 18200 (Foundations of Computer Science) for three semesters (Spring & Fall 2023, Spring 2024).
  • Assisted students in learning proofs, logic, set theory, algorithms, graph theory, and the theory of computation.
  • Ran office hours and PSO sessions where I led students in effectively learning the content.
  • Helped design and facilitate homework problems and extra study materials.

Software Engineering Intern @ Moser Consulting 05/2023 - 08/2023

  • Worked with Moser’s Application Services team to help develop Moser Labs, a software suite of internal tools for Moser employees and admins to utilize.
  • Built Moser Labs applications using TypeScript and React, the PrimeReact library, Docker, PostgreSQL, and GraphQL.
  • Developed software in an Agile-based (Scrum) team where sprint deliverables were a priority.

Software Engineering Intern @ Counterpart 05/2022 - 08/2022

  • Built a custom dive scoring web application for the Indiana High School Athletic Association that is utilized by hundreds of diving judges and coaches in Indiana.
  • Leveraged existing identity servers and databases to create a standardized experience.
  • Learned and built software using the Angular and the .NET technology stack (C#, Azure, SQL).
  • Worked with a team of engineers and interns where communication and sprint deliverables were a priority.
  • SchedLink is a student-made time management website designed for students in Hamilton Southeastern Schools to utilize.
  • Built from scratch exclusively by students, SchedLink let student developers learn web development technologies and allowed for streamlined time management for users.
  • Built database schema and designs along with infrastructure for data sanitization and SQL-based database modules.
  • Designed backend technology using PHP and JavaScript to manage large-scale user and admin information

Achievements & Contributions

Destination Imagination

  • Worked with a dedicated team for 10 years to solve and perform yearly scientific problems.
  • Over 7 state competition placements, with 4 global final placements.
  • Achieved two second placements at global finals. You can watch our second place performance in 2019 here.
  • Learned Arduino programming, C++, mechanical engineering, RFID technology, electronics engineering, and (most importantly) how to work with a team.


  • Contributed the sequence A360268 to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
  • I hope to contribute and edit more sequences in the future. Support OEIS if possible, the project deserves the resources.
  • Relevant XKCD


My skills include:

  • Python
  • Rust
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Java
  • MongoDB
  • Unix
  • C/C++
  • SQL
  • HTML & CSS
  • PHP
  • Haskell

For a more detailed look into my work experience, feel free to email me asking for my professional resume. My social media accounts (including my GitHub) are linked below in the footer.

My most recently played song: