Since the beginning of time (Wikipedia didn’t provide a date), FizzBuzz has been used to screen programmers and figure out what their coding style is like. It is unique in this aspect, as it is one of the only common programming puzzles focused more on implementation style than problem solving. Solving FizzBuzz is relatively simple, and any programmer with more than three days of experience can succeed. As a welcome to my first blog post, here is my implementation of FizzBuzz in Python.

The Beautiful

def fizzbuzz(upper_bound):
  for i in range(1, upper_bound + 1):
    s = ""
    if i % 3 == 0:
      s += "Fizz"
    if i % 5 == 0:
      s += "Buzz"
    if not s:
      s = str(i)

For the Fans of Golf

Code golfing refers to the practice (or competition) of programing a solution with the fewest characters (or lines) possible. I’m sure some competitive golfers would spit on this code, but for entertainment purposes here is my disgusting Python one-liner.

def fb(u):
  print(*(map(lambda x:(a:=x%3==0)*"Fizz"+(b:=x%5==0)*"Buzz"+((a|b)^1)*f"{x}",range(1,u+1))))
